*insert something witty here as it's too early*
I finished the child's sweater last night, I'm not sure I love the way it turned out but meh it's too late now. The Debbie Bliss pattern I used was so full of mistakes it bordered on the ridiculous but thank god I've been knitting long enough to know how to fix such things.

I would have had the child model it for me yesterday but he was in this kind of a mood

So since I finished that, I started on my fingerless gloves from magknits out of SWS natural plum

And this pretty much describes my mood, although I have had coffee it's not kicking in..

I would have had the child model it for me yesterday but he was in this kind of a mood

So since I finished that, I started on my fingerless gloves from magknits out of SWS natural plum

And this pretty much describes my mood, although I have had coffee it's not kicking in..